Section: Application Domains

Biology and Medicine


We began this year to study a new class of applications of observability theory. The investigated issues concern inverse problems in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of moving bodies with emphasis on cardiac MRI. The main difficulty we tackle is due to the fact that MRI is, comparatively to other cardiac imaging modalities, a slow acquisition technique, implying that the object to be imaged has to be still. This is not the case for the heart where physiological motions, such as heart beat or breathing, are of the same order of magnitude as the acquisition time of an MRI image. Therefore, the assumption of sample stability, commonly used in MRI acquisition, is not respected. The violation of this assumption generally results in flow or motion artifacts. Motion remains a limiting factor in many MRI applications, despite different approaches suggested to reduce or compensate for its effects Welch et al. [85] . Mathematically, the problem can be stated as follows: can we reconstruct a moving image by measuring at each time step a line of its Fourier transform? From a control theoretic point of view this means that we want to identify the state of a dynamical system by using an output which is a small part of its Fourier transform (this part may change during the measurement).

There are several strategies to overcome these difficulties but most of them are based on respiratory motion suppression with breath-hold. Usually MRI uses ECG information to acquire an image over multiple cardiac cycles by collecting segments of Fourier space data at the same delay in the cycle Lanzer et al. [76] , assuming that cardiac position over several ECG cycles is reproducible. Unfortunately, in clinical situations many subjects are unable to hold their breath or maintain stable apnea. Therefore breath-holding acquisition techniques are limited in some clinical situations. Another approach, so called real-time, uses fast, but low resolution sequences to be faster than heart motion. But these sequences are limited in resolution and improper for diagnostic situations, which require small structure depiction as for coronary arteries.